I'm currently abandoning my previous project because I need inspiration. Finals during last semester also had an impact in this project. Although I do not intend to continue #001, I am not completely abandoning it. Meanwhile I'm going to concentrate on a new project.
Gundam Eclipse is holding a summer contest. Basically, you mod a recently purchased model kit and show it off! The prizes are fantastic, but I'm aiming for the first prize: MG Delta Plus.
I purchased NG 1/100 Gale Strike Gundam in April. Although I'm satisfied with it, the model kit does not look great on my shelf. Later on, it utterly annoyed me because the candy-like colors do not look impressive at all.
I had an idea of turning Gale Strike into a heavily armored mobile suit like Ex-S Gundam. The inspiration came from GFF Ex-S Gundam that I bought in May. I figured, "What if I re-imagine Ex-S Gundam in Seed universe? Although it utterly failed, Seed is supposed to be the new UC, afterall."
I started this project a few days after the contest was announced, which was June 2nd. And, here is the progress so far:
Week one: Head was slightly modified. Torso, back, and waist parts were heavily modified. I used a lot of spare parts from 00 model kits that aren't used. Pen caps (green) were used to imitate thrusters on the back skirt.
Week two: Scratch-built a beamsmart gun using a rifle that came from Kotobukiya's Weapon Unit #6 as a base unit. A pen (green) cap is used to imitate energy tank. Basically, I used a lot of unused writing utensils to build this gun.
Week three: Sensors and pipes are added to the chest piece. Shoulder parts are slightly modified. Side skirts are modded into storages for beam sabers.
The progress of this project has been halted because my parents are in the states right now. So, I had to put away modelling stuff away at the moment. Also, I ran out of pla-plates. So, until my parents leave New York and I get my supply of pla-plates, then I can resume this project. :)