Sunday, July 17, 2011

Custom Build #002 Part.2

Here is a little update:
- Aile Strike's backpack is added. It was raised and pushed back a little to give room for the shoulders and the head.
- Gale Strike thrusters are added to the backpack. Top pieces of these thrusters are cut off to avoid friction between the gale thrusters and the aile thrusters above them.
- More Strike thrusters are mounted on the beam saber handle on top. They will be modded later.
- Knee caps will be modded.
- MG Aile Strike feet are added because the original NG1/100 feet are too fat and hard to mod.
- MG Aile Strike hands are added.

That's it for now. It resembles a little bit more like Ex-S now. I'll see you around!