Wednesday, April 27, 2011

HG Unicorn Gundam [Unicorn Mode]

I didn't purchase this model kit, but my brother did. He prefers the design of Unicorn Mode than the design of Destroy Mode. My brother doesn't really collect Gundam figures. So, I took the liberty of modifying this model kit.

Side views of Unicorn Mode Unicorn Gundam.

Front and back views of Unicorn Mode Unicorn Gundam.

This model kit is tubby. The abdomen and the waist are really wide. The legs in general are pretty bulky. Then, the feet are giant. I feel like Robot Damashii did a better job at representing this mobile suit's attractiveness. They trimmed out so much of the widths and made Unicorn looks very aesthetically pleasing. However, I still like HG because it has nice details.

Articulations are nothing to be praised about. They are good enough that you are still able to play this model kit around.

Accessories that are included in this model kit are one hyper bazooka, two beam sabers, and a shield. I don't know why Bandai decided not to include the beam magnum. The hyper bazooka came out later in Episode 3, so why the bazooka?

I really dig the design of the shield. Not only that it can block any powerful beam attacks (thanks to I-field generator stored inside the shield), but it also can jab an enemy. (As seen in Gundam vs. Gundam Next Plus.)

I recommend getting this model kit. However, if you have an extra money to spend, I really think that you should get the Robot Damashii version.

Overall: 8/10

1 comment:

  1. i was not aware there were so many versions of unicorn. thnx!
