Sunday, December 30, 2012

RGE-B890 (909) Genoace II "Blaster"

Holland (Eureka Seven) has got to be one of the coolest character of all time. Whenever he appears on screen, I just can't wait for him to do something cool. His first LFO in the series was Terminus 909. It's got "commander type" written all over it, which is awesome. I became an instant fan of this LFO the first time I saw it in action.

Gundam Eclipse was holding a Personalized Grunt Suit Group Build some time before the summer. This project was my entry to the group build. It took me less than a week to finish the project. I was really proud of it since I can barely finish any projects.

I decided to go with lavender instead of maroon because it pops more. There aren't that many lavender colored mobile suits, anyway. Splashed this model kits with a few decals and painted the thrusters in metallic silver.

Well, this was my second project ever finished! And I'm really proud of it. I really love Genoace's design because it's so plain and simple, which is open to any kind of modifications; it's like a blank canvas! 

Thank you for reading guys!

1 comment:

  1. Closer to Success: Sukanto Tanoto
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